Work of Areas

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At the community-level, through an integrated 360-degree approach, Evitas Foundation encourages the formation of people’s collectives that engage in the discourse on development, thereby ensuring self-determined and sustained collective action in communities.


Women Empowerment

Women and girls are crucialcontributors, implementers and beneficiaries of sustainable development.For the empowerment of women and girls to be realised through sustainable development, there needs to be more than a commitment to these goals. Approaching gender equality as a crosscutting issue in the SDGs requires that gender is included at all stages of policy development, means of implementation, monitoring and accountability. There must be concerted action across all countries and communities - dedicated resources should be provisioned to empower women of all ages and girls as part of the SDGs.


Health Care

The human body functions much like a machine, but maintaining one’s health is considered to be man’s most valuable possession. The various parts of the body, such as the head, the heart, the nose, etc. There are certain components of this humanoid machine that, in the event that even one of them develops a fault, will cause the machine as a whole to cease functioning normally as a human body. The world is shaken up by epidemics on a regular basis, which can have a devastating impact on millions of people. Not too long ago, a global disease spread rapidly and caused widespread devastation. This disease is also the result of our carelessness however, if we continue to pay attention to our bodies, then there is no chance that we will contract any diseases.



By achieving this objective, we will provide a fresh facet of schooling to the communities that are classified, Socioeconomically deprived group, and Special Education Zone. In order to provide Children / youngsters living in India with access to educational opportunities of a high standard. Target Number: 04 of the Sustainable Development Goals,  Education of a high standard is the only thing that can truly transform a society.



Every day, we put people first across our programs, countries, and global community. Understanding how culture and language shape outlooks means listening to what people need. We are willing to change course, compassionate, and optimistic. Well-nourished individuals are better equipped to achieve their goals. The health of one person can have a profound impact on the health of the entire community. Our goal is to disseminate information on balanced diet, inculcate best practices with an aim to target malnutrition among women. We aspire to discover solutions that are well embedded within the systems requiring minimal changes having better adoption rate for a long-term impact and sustainability.



The central India based organization, Evitas Foundation work on ultra-poor households with a productive asset, training, coaching, access to savings, and consumption support to help them graduate from extreme poverty. A sustainable way of life may be achieved in rural regions by enhancing people’s existing ways of making a living while at the same time connecting their skills to quickly advancing technological developments.



A green and peaceful future is our quest. The heroes of our story are all of us who believe that better world is not only within reach, but being built today. We believe that a billion acts of courage can spark a brighter tomorrow. To that end we model courage, we champion courage, we share stories of courageous acts by our supporters and allies, we invite people out of their comfort zones to take courageous action with us, individually in their daily lives, and in community with others who share our commitment to a better world.
